Liquor Licensing

When can my hospitality business reopen?
April 27, 2020
Right now, as new cases of COVID-19 dwindle and state governments start to ease restrictions, the big question is when bars, cafés, restaurants and other hospitality-based businesses will be able to r

What’s next for restaurants in the post-Covid world?
April 21, 2020
As we start to hear mutterings from our governments at all levels about the relaxation of lockdown and isolation rules, what does that mean for our hospitality sector? It appears that bars and rest

Help with Tourism, Hospitality and COVID-19 Legislation
April 7, 2020
During these uncertain times, particularly for the Tourism and Hospitality industries, it is vital you have access to quality, succinct and accurate information, to enable you to make sound business d
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In our side of the industry, Zest Design Studio relies on the expertise of the RG Strategic team led by Russell Green. Their Town planning and liquor licensing knowledge is second to none and can turn the impossible into reality. Great service and always on hand to help achieve the best result for his clients.
Zest Design Studio

Very easy and smooth handling for my restaurant liquor license. Everything taken care of well and on time. Great service and value for money.
Gary Roy

Russel Green is fantastic to deal with. Very efficient, and knows all the rules and regulations due to being a long time local. We recommend Russel Green to all of our clients, who also let us know that he is exceptional all round. From the team at Neller Real Estate, thanks, Russell.
Jack Brew
Neller Real Estate - Perigian Beach

Another fantastic result working with Russell and the team at RG Strategic. RG's years of experience, professional and personable approach to all Noosa Shire Planning and Development issues have allowed for a very smooth worry-free STA process and successful result for our Noosa house. With our highest recommendation, RG Strategic know their stuff and know how to get the job done within the system which is greatly appreciated.
Ian Finlay